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VIP Accelerator Experience

Peak Performance Biohacking

Half a day with us.
Sharpen Your focus.
Accelerate your Performance. Ignite Your Success.


  • Applied Neurology
  • Hypnotherapy
  • Coaching
  • Performance Mastery
  • Recharge & Energise
Acceleration Experience

VIP Accelerator Experience

Half-Day: £497
contact us for corporate and membership pricing

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Therapy Room Couch with stool

In a world of quick fixes,
claims of instant results make you wonder... where's the catch?

With Ignite - there isn't one.

It's just we rarely have space for this
It's 2 to 1.
2 of us focussed on 1 of you.

Amy Linford:
Neurology, Physio, Sports Performance Coaching

Tanya Grant
Hypnotherapy, Health and Mindset Coaching

It's in person - there is no Zoom or distance option.
You come to us.
We send you home feeling incredible.

We use the most powerful therapeutic techniques in a combination you won't find anywhere else.

You might have seen us advertise our sold-out Immerse and Ignite programmes in 2022.

Hypnosis recliner hypnotherapy

Biohacking: (noun, verb): The scientific practice of making deliberate changes to one's lifestyle, habits, and biology in order to optimise human function - namely, mental and physical performance,

Applied Movement Neurology

Peak Performance Mastery
Relaxation & Rejuvenation
Accelerate™ Coaching

Relaxation & Rejuvenation

Ignite is your gateway to unleashing your potential and fast track your success.

This exclusive 2-to-1, personalised, half-day session combines cutting-edge science,
holistic therapy,
practical coaching,
and the principles of Applied Neurology to hack your nervous system and elevate your performance.

Our qualified therapists will recalibrate and reset your mind & body, sending you away revitalised, reset and optimised.

Through the Applied Neurology Protocol, we precisely identify and address specific neurological feedback - unique to you.

Whether it's muscular-skeletal issues, overworked adrenal glands, raised cortisol, or other interconnected factors, we eliminate guesswork by starting with a VSI screen.

We tailor your experience and treatment for immediate impact and lasting results.

UK strongest woman

Our powerful techniques include: AMN, Vagus Nerve Release, Hypnotherapy, Breathwork, Nutrition, Mindfulness, Mobility and Movement Pattern 'Revamps'.

(Of course, we could send you away with a kickass plan for the gym or to train with at home too. Amy was UKs Strongest Woman in 2020 and currently trains top-level athletes)

Whatever you need.
You get our focus and therapeutic focus on what you need most.

With your tailored prescription, we ensure your day's treatment plan delivers optimal outcomes.

With Ignite: The Acceleration Experience, you'll be propelled forward, tapping into your potential, and enhancing your performance, with exceptional receptiveness to new stimuli and challenges.

Experience accelerated learning, improved retention, sounder sleep, and deeper focus.

This dedicated time is devoted to addressing any limitations you've been living with and igniting breakthroughs, scientifically and practically.

Want to know more?
Read on

Before you do - please note:
Your VIP Ignite Experience is highly customised to meet your specific needs and preferences.
The day may not include all the components mentioned, instead will be curated to alchemise the most effective combination.
We will address the areas that matter most to you and ensure your time is optimally utilised.
There will be pre-work to make sure every minute is purposeful and the outcome exceeds your expectation.

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Your Ignite Experience:

The 5 Pillars:

  • Applied Movement Neurological (AMN) Assessment:
    We begin with an in-depth VSI (Viscero-screen), a diagnostic and therapeutic tool that sets the foundation for your transformational day.
    Then we dive deep, assessing endocrine, organs, cranial nerves, and musculoskeletal systems.
    We pinpoint pain, imbalance, and physical issues to reset your body for optimum performance, Your system is brought into equilibrium and balance.
  • Accelerate Hypnotherapy:
    Experience the power of hypnosis in a personalised, breakthrough session.
    With a pre-session hypnotic 'priming' recording and an intake questionnaire, we tailor the session to your specific needs.
    Unlock your potential, enhance willpower, motivation, and energy levels, and achieve laser focus while reducing stress.
    A follow-up 'deep embed' recording ensures the transformative effects continue long after the session.
  • Peak Performance Mastery:
    Harness the power of breathwork, mindfulness, and success visualisation through self-hypnosis 'state-primining' techniques.
    Learn how to nurture your physical and mental well-being for maximum success in life.
    Discover the effectiveness of the modern evolution of Chinese Medicine and other Eastern Techniques (such as Peso Percussive Tapping) for overcoming obstacles and achieving your goals.
    All is evidenced by science - along with thousands of years of history.
  • Accelerate Coaching:
    Primed, balanced and focused, it's time to propel your success with clarity-focused coaching. We deploy our proven "Expedite Success" method, helping you set clear KPIs across your life.
    Streamline your time, increase your momentum - and squeeze every drop of value from your effort in life.
  • Rejuvenate and Revitalise:
    End your half day with a well-deserved session of deep relaxation and rejuvenation.
    Enjoy a full-body massage, focussing on deep tension release.
    Benefit from the holistic, therapeutic benefits of red light technology, and grounding mat therapy to recharge your inner vitality.