Climb a Mountain

There are so many reasons to climb a mountain:

  • The personal challenge and growth.
  • New life and survival skills – that will build your confidence like nothing else.
  • The feeling of accomplishment when you reach the summit.
  • The ultimate in getting away from it all.
  • The scenery, with its view of the endless sky and world below from your quiet vantage point.
  • Being above the clouds.
  • Changing what you see – literally changes how you think and feel.

If it seems like a ridiculous suggestion,
remember that there are mountains… and there are MOUNTAINS ????.

If you’re reasonably fit, you could spend just a few hours training to climb a mountain like Snowden, for example.

And you might take more than a year (and you should) to safely climb Everest.

If you’re brand new to mountain climbing, no problem.
It’s a actually lot easier to get into than you may think.
With the right gear and approach, you’ll be making your way up a mountainside in no time.

So first things first:
Decide how big a challenge you want to take on.

Do your research.
Will you need guides? Will you be part of an official charity climb?

Do you want to do the whole crampon/helmet/crampon/ice pick/ carabiner /harness/support crew/rope… situation,
(in which case you will need proper training by a qualified person).

Or do you just want to head up with some friends and for the glorious views.

Get the kit.

You are always going to need:

  • ? Hiking Boots or shoes.
  • ? Changes of PROPER socks
  • ? Well-stocked First Aid Kit.
  • ? Snacks and water that you can easily carry.

So if climbing a mountain was on your bucket list earlier in the month – start researching and making a plan.

And if you’ve already done it – where are you going for your next big ascent?

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