Even a terrible artist can enjoy a produce a beautiful, mindful piece of watercolour art.
Trust me - I should know.
Springo Bingo
Embrace the beauty of spring
and boost your mental well-being
with these simple ideas and activities
Exploring: Get out in the fresh air and enjoy the vibrant colours of spring while soaking up its beauty and tranquillity.
Psychological Safety: These springtime suggestions aim to help you unwind and enjoy a break from the digital hustle, providing moments of self-care, reassurance and joy.
Getting Creative: Express your artistic side with crafts, quests, and mini-projects. And other simple ideas, just for fun.
Go on a Nature Walk
The days are a little longer, a little warmer we've been cooped up for months. There's nothing to lift your spirits like getting out amongst it.
Make a Spring Playlist
Music isn't just the language of love, it's the language of ALL our emotions.
Let's create a playlist that represents exactly who you are and what you want to feel.
Make an Easter Bonnet
Whether it's the run-up to or chocolate infused fall-out from Easter, a bonnet is a fun way to while away an afternoon.
Do a Car Boot Sale
Bust out your inner Delboy, help keep unwanted things out of landfill, improve your confidence and get a chunk of money.
What's not to like?
Colour Dyed Eggs
Not just for Easter, this is a wholesome, charming and a fun way to spend an afternoon.
Plant Some Bulbs
Whether you've got a hanging basket, a window box, or an acre of garden space - this is the time to invest a little time for Summer colour.
Make a Springtime Display
Keeping the floral theme, and some words of advice from Caitlin Moran
Destination Hunt
Not just for children, a hunt can and some antici...pation, to any event.
Watch a Sunrise
New day, new beginnings - how watching the sunrise feels like the perfect fresh start.
Use Your Leftover Easter Eggs
I appreciate the concept of 'leftover' chocolate, may be somewhat of an oxymoron at other times of year.
But at Easter - there may be some going spare.
Fold a Bunny Napkin
Not essential in rebuilding society after an apocalypse, I'll grant you - but a nice little non-screen, divertive skill to learn.
Find Some Bluebells
Bluebell hunting reminds you just how beautiful this country is. Here's how to do it best...
Make a Spring Wreath
Make a spring wreath and be the talk of the street.
Play Crazy Golf
Have a game of crazy golf. Here's some bizarre facts about the game, to get you in the mood.
Host an Afternoon Tea
What could be lovelier, easier and more perfect in Springtime than an afternoon tea. Here's how it came to be.
Go on a Blossom Walk
There's something magical about finding the fleeting blossom as nature springs back into life. Can you capture some before it goes.
See Some Baby Animals
Head outdoors to find some brand new, super cute, 'straight out of the box' - wildlife.
Go to an Art Gallery
Change your perspective and give your brain some different fuel.
If that doesn't appeal - you should definitely go along.
Have a Really Brilliant Picnic
Pack a picnic: shower curtain, balloons, bubbles, cushions, music, and don't forget the food.