Man, Woman, Non-Binary, Trans, how should we 'BE' - to be acceptable?
Secrets & Lies: Men
Being an ideal man is quite a tall order. But being anything less than ideal is brutal.
Secrets & Lies: Women
Sticks and stones can break my bones, but words can be a slippery slope to much more serious situations.
Gender Boxes: 10 Questions
Check your knowledge, with 10 Gender Box questions
The Spotlight and the Freeze
Ever felt on the spot?
Clammed up?
Blurted something out?
This one's for you.
The Gendered Freeze
Some historical context.
Exercise 1: I Could Ask
Are you scared of hearing 'no' as an answer.
Let's fix that, and practice shooting your shot.
Exercise 2: Flip The Dynamic
Exercise 2:
Don't think, just reply.
Exercise 3: Sending the Ball Back
The difference between going berserk and being a doormat is:
Exercise 4: Location, Location, Location
Backhanded compliments,
sleazebags & bitchy comments.
Or: Ar&eholes & Ambiguity!
Exercise 5: Ambiguous Situations
Give people the opportunity to explain themselves, apologise or back down.
Either way, you get the opportunity for an honest conversation.
The Spotlight Round Up
This isn't about being witty and sarcastic, or a master of bants.
(Although that could be a side-effect.)
It's about something much more important.
Conversations & Negotiations:
Are you ready to be a master/mistress of negotiation?
Ethical, fair and never underhand, these proven techniques will take your persuasive skill to the next level.